Saturday, April 13, 2013

Where Have I Been?

...All your liiiiyyyyiiiifffeee?!?!?!

(That's a song, guys. Kind of.)

So I just *happened* to be looking through my blog feed on blogger and then my eyes jumped up and noticed that I haven't posted in over a month.


I actually think that's wrong. I don't feel like it's been that long. Really, I don't. I blame Netflix. I got a Netflix account, and because I'm not a big fan of movies but I L-O-V-E getting hooked on a good TV show, I've been watching approximately 4 seasons of various shows per week.

Don't worry, I actually only did that for two weeks in a row. But watching that much TV seriously makes the days go by, like, super fast.

Actually, the main* reason I've been gone is because I'm working on finalizing my Capstone project which is due two weeks from tomorrow! What a relief it will be when it's over; this project is SO HUGE.

*Main meaning I work on it for the two whole days before each assignment is due. And assignments are due every two weeks. So however much of a main reason that can be. That's my reason. Netflix is the other main reason.

So basically what I'm trying to say here is...I'll be back in two weeks, haha. BECAUSE the FINAL project is due in TWO WEEKS...and I can't just wait until the day before to start working on that one. No more procrastinating for this girl.*

*HA. Heard that before.

I'm actually supposed to be working on that right I'm gonna go get back to that. Basically the purpose of this post is so that it doesn't say my last post was March 7th, because that really bothered me. So, the cobwebs have been dusted off of this blog, and I will be back to dust them off again in two weeks!