Who I Am.

Me: My name is Kayla, if you haven't figured that out yet. I'm 20 years old and I just recently completed my BA in Liberal Studies. Yes, I finished college the year after I graduated high school. No, I'm not a genius or even self-motivated. I'm just a girl with a plan who hates having to wait. I have the best friends ever, even though they deny how hilarious I actually am. I currently work at a small marketing group here in Texas and, even though I have no interest in marketing whatsoever, it's a wonderful job. I'm an only child with some pretty cool parents. My mom is a high school teacher and my dad is a photographer/something else that I don't know how to describe. Also, I'm a Christian, and becoming one was the best decision I ever made in my life.

My Personality: I'm a type B personality with some slight OCD tendencies. I'm extremely laid back, emotionally stable (usually), and loyal to a fault. I'm frugal, and take pride in saving up money to buy something that most people have given to them, such as the car I bought on my 18th birthday. It's a silver 2000 Honda CRV named Flynn Rider. I was valedictorian of my high school, but don't let that fool you; I can be really slow. I'm just good at school. I'm kind of klutzy. I'm also super shy, but I love talking and have a loud voice.

My Future Plans: I want to be an elementary school teacher, and I can't wait to get there. God has made it really clear to me over the past couple years that that is what I should be doing. And I can't wait. I'm currently doing some substituting while working on my teacher's certification, and my current plan is to be teaching full time by the fall 2014 semester. YAY. I also really want to get married and have kids eventually, if the Lord wills.

On a lighter night, I'm also considering becoming a private investigator as a night job. I'm really good at finding out information and also Facebook stalking, so I think I'd be pretty good at it.

My Interests: Some things I love include baking, little kids, adventures, exploring, the color purple, daisies, animals, Texas, my friends and family, reading (sometimes), singing, organizing, sleeping, cookie dough ice cream, Jolly Ranchers, caramel, and TV shows.

My Disinterests: Some things I hate include driving (mostly because of other drivers), conflict, politics, the color orange, dishonesty, disloyalty, SPIDERS, cold weather, coffee, lasagna, anything cinnamon or green apple flavored, Tuesdays, technology, and making mistakes (I know I'm not perfect, but I hate being reminded of it).


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  1. Hey, on the grooveshark there is 3 new playlists. Our Favs is for songs you like best off mine. Then your top songs is for no more then one song per band.

  2. I renamed my grooveshark playlist. If it doesnt show up then refresh it:P

  3. Hey, I'm H.Marouane i'm frome morocco!!

    I liked your CV,and i love your Pictures :):):):)

    Goooooooood luck!!!
    Thank you ;):)

  4. I'm going to buy you some cookie dough ice cream ;) heheh. btw, I'm Lindsey!!! hey girl! :) I just found your blog and now I'm following!


  5. Hello, Kayla. So good to know you through your profile on the blogger. I am also glad to stop by your blog and know more about you and who you are. I am so glad to know your love for the Lord Jesus Christ and this is a connecting point for me. I am from Mumbai, India a city with great contrast where richest of rich and poorest of poor live. We reachout to the poorest of poor with the love of Christ to bring healing to the broken hearted and to give them new hope, future,purpose and life. We also encourage young people like you to come on a short term missions trip towork with us. We wouuld love to have you come with your friends to work with us by becoming hands and feet of Jesus to bring healing to the broken hearted. My email id is: dhwankhede(at)gmail(dot)com and my name is Diwakar Wankhede. Looking forward to hear from you.


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