Friday, September 16, 2011

Happy International Red Panda Day!

This adorable little creature is a red panda, also known as a firefox. But don't be fooled; hes not a panda or a fox. He's a member of the raccoon family.

I am a tad bit (VERY) obsessed with red pandas. I think they are the cutest creatures to walk the planet.

Tomorrow is International Red Panda Day. Aka my new favorite holiday.

Just wanted to share that so that no one forgets to celebrate. :-)

P.S. Sad story: red pandas are endangered. Click here to read more about that.

P.P.S. There are adorable videos of red pandas on YouTube. Find one. You'll love them.


  1. aw! it's soooo cute! i've never heard of them... where did you?! :)
    i'm fixing to go play phase 10 with dad... wanna come? ;)

  2. p.s. soooo happy to be on your 'people i love' thing :)

    p.s.s. i won the phase 10 game :)) whoop whoop! lol

  3. i couldn't agree with you more (about your comment on my post). it was the same way with the poverty stricken Jamaicans... so happy and content. i have so much to learn from them. (and what's funny is we go there to teach them and we come back them having taught US!)

  4. Oh my, how cute is he!! I want a red panda. So how they're endangered though :(

    Love the cute blog hun (love purple!)


  5. kayla, i'm so sorry about your bud moving away. that must be SO tough. do you get to talk to her often through email, chat, FB, etc.?
    can i have your email address?


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