It feels like AGES since I've been here. And I'm sorry I haven't been reading many blogs, either. But it kind of just recently hit me that I'm graduating in 2 months and I have no less than a trillion things to do before that day.
Okay, maybe a little less...but check out my to-do list:
- Finish online computer course so I CAN graduate
- Write an essay for character distinction
- Get 4 references from teachers for character distinction
- Get in another hour of community service with the school
- Write a valedictorian speech
- Take my senior pictures
- Figure out what pictures/song to put in the slideshow
- Create a photo/achievement display for graduation
- Write two essays and have a meeting for Accelerate University
- Figure out my degree plan
- Possibly take another CLEP (or two) before college registration next month (which I was NOT planning on doing), and
- Figure out what classes to enroll in at UTA (I have to go full-time due to a scholarship) that will allow me to use my time most wisely (i.e. classes I need to take but can't CLEP out of, that don't have a ton of homework so I can still work on AU at the same time)
Not to mention, I have recently been diagnosed with a severe case of senioritis. It's bad, y'all. And it makes me not want to do ANY of the things mentioned above.
It's going to be crazy. If you think about it, I would really appreciate prayers as I try to balance all of this and still do it all with excellence.
Two months. TWO MONTHS. Three months ago, I thought that day would never come. Now I wish I had more time.
But, there are some things I'm looking forward to. Like PROM! I've wanted to go my whole life, and I started collecting prom dresses in eighth grade. (It was kind of an accidental collection. No one needs four prom dresses). That's in a month and I can't wait!
So anyway, the point of this post was basically just to blog, because I've missed it greatly. And to let anyone who was wondering know that I'm still alive.
But just barely.
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